
Friday, January 15, 2010

Gold Head Branch State Park, Florida

This painting is called a study. Done really fast and without much detail. I only took a little bit of supplies and spent about an hour at Gold Head. This oil painting was done on a masonite board 8 x 10 inches.
Not sure if I like it and it's not loose like I want it to be. I can see I have a lot more to learn and  work to do. I'll just keep on trying.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hi Diana, I like the painting you posted that says Gold Head Jan. 14, 2010 New Study 8 X 10. It leaves room for feelings and imagination by the viewer, which is a good thing. I think it is looser than what you normally do. But, since their is a certain thing you want to achieve, please stay on your path and go for it. :-) I think you're doing great on your quest. Keep it up!